Our revamped 99 Project is relaunched. We have been keeping this open for orders exclusive to Ramadan over the last 7 years. This year, with a new look, improved quality, and an addition of a small drawstring pouch, we are excited to share that The 99 Project will now be available year round. InshaAllah.
The 99 Project is a set of flash cards based off Asmaa ul Husna, the 99 names of Allah. Each card features the Arabic name, an English translation of the attribute, a transliteration to help pronunciation, and a small write up to inspire and understand the meaning. These are to help memorize The 99 Names, and also to help you feel better remembering Him and His Master plan.
The cards are 8.5x5.5 cm. Made with a gloss coat finish.
The names have been researched prior to any material being compiled. Only He is free of errors, and we are imperfect, His humble servants.
Thank you for your love and patronage. We hope you love the new design and can appreciate the efforts we've made to improve quality.
We have two themes, yellow and teal.
-99 names flash cards
-1 hadith card
-1 names list
-drawstring pouch coordinating with the theme you choose
We are proud to share, this has been designed, printed, and assembled in the studio, at #TheWillow by #TeamFirefly
Min 7 working days.
#handmade #flashcards #islamic #islamicgifts #prettythings #asmaaulhusna #namesofAllah #deen #dhikr #MadeinPakistan #learn #faith #emaan #Allah